Unleashing the Creative Side of Financial Planning with Donor Advised Funds.

When we think about financial planning, we often envision spreadsheets, budgets, and retirement accounts, which can be a turnoff to many people. While these are undoubtedly important aspects of financial planning, a lot of value comes from being creative with your planning. One creative tool that can be used in very creative ways is donor-advised funds.

Donor-advised funds (DAFs) are philanthropic accounts that allow donors to make a charitable contribution, receive an immediate tax benefit, and then recommend grants from the fund over time. They provide a flexible way to manage charitable giving while offering unique planning opportunities.

One of the creative elements of leveraging DAFs is the ability to ‘bunch’ charitable contributions. How this works is by making larger contributions to a DAF in high-income years, which can result in a larger tax deduction in the year of the contribution. Then, the donor can recommend grants from the DAF to specific charities over time, allowing them to continue supporting their chosen causes even in years when their income may be lower.

Another creative way of using DAFs in financial planning is the ability to donate appreciated assets. By contributing appreciated stocks, real estate, or other assets to a DAF, donors can eliminate capital gains taxes on the appreciation while also receiving a tax deduction for the total fair market value of the assets. This strategy can benefit individuals with highly appreciated assets looking to diversify their holdings without incurring significant tax liabilities.

Furthermore, DAFs can be used as a tool for legacy planning. Donors can involve their family members in the granting process, promoting a culture of philanthropy and passing down important values to future generations. This can create a lasting impact beyond the donor's lifetime, inspiring a sense of responsibility and purpose in the family, fostering a strong sense of connection and purpose.

An often overlooked benefit of DAFs is that they offer a range of investment options, allowing donors to potentially grow their charitable dollars over time. This can be especially appealing to those who are looking to maximize the impact of their charitable giving, stretching your impact and providing a deep sense of accomplishment and fulfillment.

Donor-advised funds can add a unique and creative dimension to financial planning. By strategically using DAFs, individuals and families can optimize their charitable giving, minimize tax liabilities, and leave a meaningful legacy for future generations. This allows people to take control of their financial future, instilling a sense of confidence and control.

The creative side of financial planning encompasses a variety of strategies, and donor-advised funds are an excellent example of how individuals can think outside the box when it comes to managing their finances and giving back to their communities. By leveraging the unique features of DAFs, individuals can truly unleash the creative potential of their financial planning efforts. Whether through tax-efficient giving, legacy planning, or engaging family members in philanthropy, DAFs offer a powerful and flexible tool for those looking to make a difference while managing their finances thoughtfully and creatively.

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Alan B Faerber
Chartered Retirement Planning CounselorSM

Cell: 385-319-2878

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Alan B Faerber
Chartered Retirement Planning CounselorSM

Cell: 385-319-2878

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